Set off on an adventure into the total darkness of the Arctic fjords and Polar nights. We depart Tromsø and set sail for the direction where the clearest weather conditions for the night has been predicted. This can be north towards the areas of Kvaløyvågen or south to Ramfjorden or west along the southern part of Kvaløya island. The captain and crew will work together and keep their eyes out for clear skies or a gap in the cloud layer. While we wait for the northern lights to appear, you can stay warm and comfortable in our heated lounges. Grab a beverage from our cafe and a snack.
Mannskapet vårt forteller om lokal historie, om det mystiske dypet under oss, og landskapet som omgir oss. Mens stjernehimmelen over oss reflekteres fra den mørke havoverflaten, vises kanskje nordlyset over nattehimmelen. Nøye utvalgt, lokalt øl, så vel som kvalitetsvin, er til salgs om bord.