1. Brim Explorer
  2. Inspiration
  3. Designing the Perfect Sightseeing Vessel: Brim Explorer's Mission for Efficient Electric Ships
Agnes She Conference 2023

"We aimed to steer tourism in Norway towards a greener direction" - Agnes Árnadóttir

Brim Explorer is a Norwegian company that provides hybrid electric boat tours along the coast of Norway. The company's vision is to offer sustainable and unique experiences that showcase Norway's stunning natural beauty. Brim Explorer is led by Agnes Árnadóttir, who started the company with her co-founder Espen Larsen-Hakkebo, is committed to promoting gender equality in the maritime industry.

"At Brim Explorer, we aimed to steer tourism in Norway towards a greener direction by becoming the first day tour company to commercialise modern, high-quality, and low-impact tourism. Our goal was to prove that it makes financial sense to prioritise sustainability. Over time, it has become increasingly clear that more and more tourists are concerned about their impact on the environment and are choosing the greenest option."

Agnes Árnadóttir and Erna Solberg She Conference 2

Agnes Árnadóttir, CEO of Brim Explorer, was recently invited to speak at the She Conference, an event that recognises and celebrates the accomplishments of women in various industries. As one of the 100 inspirational female founders within the ocean and renewable energy industries, Agnes used this opportunity to share her vision and goals for Brim Explorer.

During her speech, Agnes emphasised the importance of achieving gender balance in leadership roles and inspiring others to believe in themselves. She also stressed the significance of seeking advice from experienced professionals and choosing reliable business partners to navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

One such partner is Tool Spawn, a startup that provides sustainable solutions for the maritime industry. This partnership has allowed Brim Explorer to further its commitment to clean maritime travel and promote sustainable practices in the industry. Whilst at the She Conference, Agnes also had the opportunity to meet up with Birgit Liodden, the founder of Tool Spawn, and the former Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg. Bringing together inspirational women under one roof.


"As a hybrid electric boat tour company, Brim Explorer seeks to reduce its carbon footprint and minimise the impact on the environment."

The maritime industry has historically been a male-dominated sector, but companies like Brim Explorer and individuals like Agnes Árnadóttir are working towards changing this. Achieving gender balance in leadership roles is vital in every sector, and unfortunately, the maritime industry lags behind in this regard. By promoting sustainable solutions and advocating for gender equality, Brim Explorer is setting an example for other companies in the industry.

We hope that more women will be inspired to pursue careers in the maritime industry, and we encourage companies to prioritize gender diversity in their leadership roles. We would like to thank Agnes Árnadóttir for her leadership and commitment to promoting gender equality and sustainability in the maritime industry. We would also like to thank the She Conference and Tool Spawn for their contributions in promoting women's empowerment and sustainable practices in the industry. Together, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable future for the maritime industry.

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"We have created a new standard for energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the maritime sector"

Brim Explorer is proud to be at the forefront of the green tourism movement in Norway, and we owe it to our visionary CEO, Agnes Árnadóttir and her co-founder and CTO Espen Larsen-Hakkebo. Agnes and her team saw an opportunity to push the boundaries of sustainable tourism by creating a high-quality, low-impact experience for our guests, and her leadership has been instrumental in making that vision a reality.

"We are thrilled to have a fully electric vessel already in operation in Oslo, currently we have three vessels in operation with two more under construction and plans to expand our fleet to five vessels early next year."

A top goal for Brim Explorer is to create ocean ambassadors out of our guests, spreading awareness and educating them about ocean health, climate change, and marine life during our tours. We believe that by inspiring and empowering our guests, we can make a meaningful impact on the future of our oceans and the planet as a whole.

Brim Explorer can't do this alone. It's essential that the right technical partners and support from the Maritime Authorities continue to innovate and implement the green shift in the maritime sector. Brim Explorer is committed to engaging in a constructive dialogue to find solutions and common ground to achieve our shared goal of electrifying the coastal fleet by 2030.

At Brim Explorer, we are excited about what the future holds. With Agnes Árnadóttir at the helm, we will continue to lead the way in sustainable tourism and make a positive impact on our environment and the communities we serve.